Leverage Q4 to your advantage with 60 days of thought-provoking journal prompts 

Reflect on your relationship with money: your proudest moments, your biggest lessons and how you'll grow moving forward

Finish the year strong and ready to move onward into an incredible new year filled money purpose and meaning

Understand your past. Learn from the present.  Chart your action plan forward. 

Answer one journal prompt every day for 60 days. You will learn more about your relationship with money and dive into themes around saving, spending, investing and understanding your purpose with money. 

Katie Mild 

Katie is an ICF-certified coach who specializes in helping successful professionals and entrepreneurs in high-end industries transform their relationship with money. Her financial expertise, honed through career pivots and personal experiences, allows her to guide clients toward strategic wealth management and growth. Having made—and learned from—many financial mistakes herself, Katie is passionate about teaching others how to take ownership of their money stories, empowering them to build lasting financial success.Through her YouTube series, The Money Minute, Katie shares actionable insights on wealth building, luxury consumption, and high-net-worth lifestyle philosophy, offering her audience practical tools for financial empowerment. Her strong financial savviness helped her not only weather but thrive through each career transition, giving her a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities faced by professionals in fast-paced industries.

Get clear and focused on how you view money and what you want to shift in the new year. 

Ready to chart your path forward? Click below. 
