Gain awareness of the reality of your financial situation
Identify essential money beliefs that are holding you back
Create a detailed, self-built budget to implement immediately
Transform Your Financial Future
Happy Dollar is an online course designed to help successful, driven individuals take control of their finances and build long-term wealth. You'll learn how to manage your money responsibly, identify and overcome mindset obstacles, and build a budget that works for you. With this course, you will give yourself permission to lean into and change your negative financial behavior, gain awareness of the reality of your financial situation, identify essential money beliefs that are holding you back, and create a detailed, self-built budget to implement immediately. You will also gain the confidence and heightened awareness of mindset blockers that you know how to overcome.
Course Curriculum
- A Message from Katie Free preview
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An American Phenomenon...
- Happy Dollar (formerly Armored Agent) Course Objectives Free preview
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Before we begin...
Module 1: Assess Your Net Worth & Possibility Quotient (PQ)
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Module 1 Introduction
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Module 1 Materials
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Your Net Worth & Possibility Quotient (PQ)
(Included in full purchase)
What are Assets & Liabilities?
(Included in full purchase)
But What About....?
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Calculating Your Net Worth
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Possibility Quotient (PQ)
(Included in full purchase)
Building Your Dynamic Budget
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Always Pay Yourself First
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Spending and Values Alignment
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Module 1 Recap
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Module 2: Identify Your BLUF
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Module 2 Introduction
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Module 2 Materials
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Identifying Your #1 Financial BLUF
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Module 3: Understand Your Debt Tolerance and Philosophy
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Module 3 Introduction
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Module 3 Materials
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Three Debt Principles
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Red Light Debt vs. Yellow Light Debt
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My Own Debt Philosophy: What Works, What Doesn't!
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Debt Exercise: Your Debt Tolerance and Philosophy
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Module 4: Identify Your Money Triggers
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Module 4 Introduction
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Module 4 Materials
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Your Money Memories - Part I
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Your Money Memories - Part II
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Module 5: Clarify Your WHY
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Module 5 Introduction
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Module 5 Materials
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The WHY Pyramid Framework
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Module 6: Rethink Your Environment
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Module 6 Introduction
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Module 6 Materials
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Environment Evaluation - Part I
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Building Your Fi-Tribe
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Environment Evaluation - Part II
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Module 7: Chart Your Legacy. Go Kick Ass.
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Module 7 Introduction
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Module 7 Materials
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Chart Your Financial Legacy. Go Kick Ass!
(Included in full purchase)
*BONUS* Module 8: Final Thoughts, Tips & Resources
(Included in full purchase)
Module 8 Introduction
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Thoughts & Tips
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Next steps
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Congratulations!!! More resources for you...
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Before you go...
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Take Control of Your Money Mindset Now
Grow Your Financial Confidence, Take Control and Build the Happy Future You Want